Wow, can't believe it's almost October! My apologies for going M.I.A. again... the fall is our busy season for work, and it's been absolutely crazy, which I'm sure you all can relate to! Which brings me to the topic of this post... work-life balance.
What do you do to strike that balance between work and home? Now that I have my awesome new Macbook for work I can bring work home with me on nights and weekends, which is awesome - but has a downside too! Last night I didn't even bring my laptop home, knowing I had no outstanding issues/projects to work on after hours last night. Of course I did check-in on my email from my iPhone, which got me irritated, par for the course.
For a couple of weeks there, I was working long hours into the evenings while my husband watched TV, I perched on the couch next to him with my laptop furiously typing away. I feel like I hit a wall... I'm a little burnt out by the constant work flow, and I've made an effort to leave my laptop at work a couple of nights week. To give myself a few nights 'off' from work. After all, we are preparing for baby's big arrival in December - which requires lots of assembling furniture, and childbirth classes that suck up an entire Tuesday night for five weeks straight!
So, what do you to keep that that balance between work and home life?